


Yong Lu

Position Title:Assistant Professor

Present position

  • Thermodynamic assessments of metastable systems;

  • Explore mechanisms involved in microstructural development of thin film systems during various materials processing by phase field modeling techniques;

  • Establish a novel approach to the development of new materials and optimization of existing materials through an integrated combination of computational and experimental materials science.


Ph.D. (Materials Science) Xiamen University, P.R.China, 2012

B.A. (Materials Forming and Control Engineering), Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R.China, 2006

Visiting scholar positions

August 2013: Visiting scholar in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, OH, USA

June 2013-July 2013: Visiting Scholar in IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain

September 2010-September 2011: Visiting scholar in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, OH, USA


For undergraduate major in Material science:

Introduction To Methodology Of Materials Design, Spring semesters, 45min.×2 lessons per week×16 weeks

Comprehensive experimental of design methodology for metal materials, Autumn semesters, 45min.×8 lessons per week ×16 weeks

For graduate major in Material science:

Computational materials science, Autumn semesters. 45min.×2 lessons per week ×16 weeks

Kinetics and phase transformation of material, 45min.×3 lessons per week ×8 weeks

Research interests

  • Thermodynamic assessments of metastable systems;

  • Explore mechanisms involved in microstructural development of thin film systems during various materials processing by phase field modeling techniques;

  • Establish a novel approach to the development of new materials and optimization of existing materials through an integrated combination of computational and experimental materials science.

Participate in research projects

1. Phase Field method investigation of the microstructure evolution under stress field during the deposition of film with spinodal decomposition supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (PI).

2. Phase diagram calculation and phase field simulation of microstructure evolution in U-based alloys supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (PD).

3. Investigation in design, preparation techniques and thermo-physical properties of the self-organized Copper/Invar composite materials supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (PD).

4. Joint-research of crystal structure, microstructure design and property of new Co-based supperalloys supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China (PD).

5. Design and magnetism performance study of magnetic induced phase separation in Co-V perpendicular recording media supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (PD).


  1. Y. Lu, C. Wang, R. Shi, Y. Cui, Z. Shi, S. Y. Yang, Y. W. Cui, X. Liu. Predicting epitaxial orientations and lattice structure in ultrathin magnetic thin films, APL Materials, 2016, 4, 076102.

  2. Y. Lu, C. Wang, Y. Gao, R. Shi, X. Liu, Y. Wang. Microstructure map for self-organized phase separation during film deposition, Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109: 086101-086101.

  3. Y. Lu, C. P. Wang, X. J. Liu. Calculation of phase diagrams in AlxIn1-xAs/InP, AsxSb1-xAl/InP and AlxIn1-xSb/InSb nano-film systems, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311: 4374-4380.

  4. Y. Lu,Z. Huai,S. Yang,X.J. Liu,C.P. Wang, Monolithic Porous Materials Fabricated by Dealloying Method in Cu-Fe-Co and Cu-Fe-Ni Systems, Materials Science Forum, 2015, 833: 23-27.

  5. Y. Lu, C. P. Wang, F. Kong, T. Dai, C. C. Zhao, X. J. Liu, The Effect of Thickness and Annealing Time on Surface Segregation in Cu/Ni, Ni/Cu Film/Substrate and Cu/Ni/Si Film/Film/Substrate, Materials Science Forum, 2015, 833: 181-184.

  6. X. J. Liu, Y. Lu, Y. M. Fang, C. P. Wang. Effects of external magnetic field on the diffusion coefficient and kinetics of phase transformation in pure Fe and Fe-C alloys, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2011,35: 66-71.

  7. X.J. Liu, Y.L. Zhao, Y. Lu, W.W. Xu, J.P. Jia, C.P. Wang, Steady-state dynamical phase diagram calculation of U-Nb binary system under irradiation: Ballistic effect, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014,451: 366-371.

  8. C.P. Wang , C. Zhao, Y. Lu, T. Li, D. Peng, J. Shi, X.J. Liu, Experimental observation of magnetically induced phase separation and thermodynamic assessment in the Co–V binary system, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2015,162: 555–560

  9. S. Y. Yang, Y. D. Liu, C. P. Wang, Y. Lu, J. M. Wang, Z. Shi, X. J. Liu. Microstructure and functional properties of two-phase Ni-Mn-Fe-In shape memory alloys with small transformation hysteresis width, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619: 498-504.

  10. X. J. Liu, W. L. Huang, Y. H. Guo, S. Y. Yang, Y. Lu, C. P. Wang. Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-Ta System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2015, 36: 28-38.

  11. C. C. Zhao, S. Y. Yang, Y. Lu, Y. H. Guo, C. P. Wang, X. J. Liu. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the phase equilibria in the Fe-Ni-V system, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2014, 46: 80-86.

  12. C. P. Wang, J. J. Zhu, Y. Lu, Y. H. Guo, X. J. Liu. Thermodynamic Description of the Cu-Ni-Si System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, 35: 93-104.

  13. C. P. Wang, L. H. Zhao, Y. Lu, D. Wang, Y. H. Guo, S. Y. Yang, X. J. Liu. Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Bi-Cu-Zn Ternary System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, 35: 530-543.

  14. C. P. Wang, Y. H. Guo, Y. Lu, X. J. Liu. Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ti-Ir System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, 35: 269-275.

  15. X. J. Liu, Y. Lu, M. H. Chen, D. L. Zhao, C. P. Wang, K. Ishida. Thermodynamic Database for Phase Diagrams of Mn-RE Binary Alloy Systems, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, 35: 612-621.

  16. X. J. Liu, J. Y. Lin, Y. Lu, Y. H. Guo, C. P. Wang. Assessment of the atomic mobility for the fcc phase of Ni-Co-X (X=Re and Ru) system, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2014, 45: 138-144.

  17. X. J. Liu, Q. He, D. Wang, Y. Lu, M. H. Chen, J. P. Jia, C. P. Wang. Thermodynamic assessments of the Pu-Zn and La-Pu systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014, 453: 169-175.

  18. X. J. Liu, M. H. Chen, Y. Lu, Y. X. Huang, D. Wang, Q. He, D. L. Zhao, C. P. Wang. Thermodynamic assessment of the Sb-Sm and Sm-Sn systems, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2014, 47: 129-135.

  19. X. Q. Zhang, S. Y. Yang, C. C. Zhao, Y. Lu, X. J. Liu, C. P. Wang. Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Co-Cr-W ternary system, International Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 104: 836-842.

  20. X. Q. Zhang, S. Y. Yang, C. C. Zhao, Y. Lu, X. J. Liu, C. P. Wang. Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Co-Cr-Nb System at 1000, 1100, and 1200 A degrees C, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2013, 34: 313-321.

  21. C. P. Wang, G. C. Wang, Y. Lu, D. Wang, X. J. Liu. Thermodynamic assessments of the Ce-Th and As-U systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 440: 214-219.

  22. C. P. Wang, Y. Shi, D. Wang, Y. Lu, D. L. Zhao, X. J. Liu. Thermodynamic assessment of the B-Ce and B-Pr systems, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2013, 41: 150-155.

  23. C. P. Wang, X. P. Li, S. Y. Yang, J. Li, Y. Lu, Z. Shi, Y. W. Kang, X. J. Liu. Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Cr-Hf-Ti Ternary System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2013, 34: 375-384.

  24. C. P. Wang, F. Huang, Y. Lu, S. Yang, M. J. Yang, X. J. Liu. Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Ni-Sb Ternary System, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013, 42: 2961-2974.

  25. C. P. Wang, Y. Hu, S. Y. Yang, Y. Lu, Q. W. Jiang, X. J. Liu. Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Fe-Si-Zr Ternary System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2013, 34: 277-288.

  26. Z. Shi, Y. S. Tong, S. W. Deng, H. Xue, S. Y. Yang, Y. Lu, C. P. Wang, X. J. Liu. Magnetoelectric sensor with miniature universal tunable bias magnetic circuit, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103: 3.

  27. Z. Shi, L. Z. Chen, Y. S. Tong, H. Xue, S. Y. Yang, Y. Lu, C. P. Wang, X. J. Liu. High Speed Characterization of the Magnetoelectric Hysteresis Loop, IEEE Transactions On Magnetics, 2013, 49: 5671-5674.

  28. X. J. Liu, Z. Huai, Y. Lu, C. P. Wang. Microstructure and mechanical behavior of Ni-Cu-Fe-Si porous alloys, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2012, 545: 111-117.

  29. X. J. Liu, H. H. Hu, J. J. Han, Y. Lu, C. P. Wang. Assessment of the diffusional mobilities in fcc Ni-Nb and fcc Ni-Mo alloys, Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2012, 38: 140-145.

学位 职称 Assistant Professor
研究室 Dept. of Materials Sci. & Eng., Research Center of Materials Design and Engineering application, College of Materials, Xiamen University. 所在部门
电子邮件 luyong@xmu.edu.cn 电话 +86-17895927036
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